
ReBoot VIP

Pounds Lost
25 lbs

6 weeks

The Situation

Curabitur ullamcorper suscipit consequat. Vivamus malesuada enim eu elit cursus sagittis. Nullam at varius mi, in mollis augue. Vivamus placerat vestibulum sem, nec suscipit dui varius eget. Proin tristique enim at augue gravida efficitur.

Suspendisse rhoncus iaculis massa a facilisis. Etiam in efficitur nisl. Phasellus laoreet tempus blandit. Mauris ultricies cursus erat ac sodales. Nulla tincidunt eu felis vel auctor. In maximus enim et fringilla fringilla.

The Solution

Curabitur ullamcorper suscipit consequat. Vivamus malesuada enim eu elit cursus sagittis. Nullam at varius mi, in mollis augue. Vivamus placerat vestibulum sem, nec suscipit dui varius eget.

  • Nec suscipit dui varius eget
  • Pesuada enim eu elit dolor sit amet erumulis massa a feras
  • Sed viverra nisl velit, a venenatis justo fermentum sit amet.


Duis aliquet diam ipsum, vel consectetur erat semper nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris ac nisi ut nisl viverra euismo.

Mauris interdum in neque quis condimentum. Donec urna ante, ultrices eu tempus id, maximus ut est. Donec scelerisque comm
odo mollis.

Ut arcu elit, varius finibus vestibulum at, feugiat non turpis. Vivamus fermentum diam a tortor dignissim, auctor porta leo ornare.

“Do this for you and nobody else. I cannot thank Jenni and the team enough for the guidance and support throughout this journey.”

Before I saw Jenni, I was very heavy late 20’s girl who would have the craziest and ultimately unhealthy habits. Due to my work schedule, where I was working late hours I would take “naps” throughout the day and not sleep at night. I didn’t exercise, and would find ways to get around any physical activities. My motto was “I don’t do “ups”, I do “downs”. Sit down, lay down, escalator down, walk down, drive down etc…”

My body hated me and was rebelling in crazy ways. My skin, face, and emotions were just angry and they were telling me by giving me rough, dry skin, oily hair, bad breath, out of breath, sweating for no reason, and being hangry all the time.


Designation, Company


You are only one decision away from a totally different life.
We’re ready to help you start your journey to the best you!

Client Testimonials

" I had tried everything for the last three years to lose weight and instead of losing, I kept slowly gaining

I had tried everything for the last three years to lose weight and instead of losing, I kept slowly gaining...

" Follow her recommendations closely and you’ll notice improvements!

Rachel is great too! She’s cheerful, attentive and has friendly staff who are just as helpful. Follow her recommendations closely and you’ll notice improvements!

" Now I have to punch a new hole in my belt!

Listening to her advice and going weekly followup checks – with body composition testing – I did important changes to my diet, started to lose weight again right from the first week, and of course, reached my goal – 27 lbs total…

Stop dieting.

Start Living

Did you know that 90% of people who diet fail? That’s because fad diets don’t work in the long run.