Easter Fun….can be done without the sugar crash

Our own Jen Wright shared some perfect Easter tips with us!
This week end is Easter week end! I just wanted to share the way we handle Easter at our house to help avoid the sugar overload, which comes with this rainbow coloured holiday. First off, I do let my kids have chocolate! I’m not that mean…..but do they need 8 pounds of chocolate in various cute bunny and chick shapes? No, they do not. The fun of the morning is all about the hunt and finding treasures.
Here is what I do…..I have plastic eggs. We reuse them every year. Everyone has their own colours. Before the kiddos head to bed the night before we leave the eggs and baskets on the table in hopes that Mr. Bunny will fill them with fun treats! And guess what, he totally does.
So, this is where we change things up. These eggs get filled with random age appropriate items. When we started it was little fun socks, plastic bracelets, cars, and small toys around whatever theme- Dora, Cars, and Frozen etc. Now they are older and we have progressed to quarters, loonies, toonies, and iTunes cards. I do put out few chocolates, but they get perhaps 10 small eggs in total and perhaps a little bunny. The Bunny also tends to leave a new DVD, movie passes, or spring items such as bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and new sand toys or flip flops.
Another great idea that is happening this year is inside some eggs are going to be clues to some treats that are hidden. So after the eggs are all found, another treasure hunt will happen. Which allows you time to sit, and relax, enjoy a coffee or tea! These treasures don’t need to be large or expensive, just fun. I tend to try and purchase things I know I will be buying anyways, summer clothes, or toys, new water bottles etc.
Happy Easter however you celebrate, enjoy your time with family this weekend!

Crazy Yummy Chocolate Nib Cookies! (Adapted from kitchentreaty.com)

• 3 tablespoons solid coconut oil or grassfed butter (this is important for the chewiness)
• 1 small tsp of stevia or you could use 3 tbsps of honey or maple syrup
• 1 egg ( if you remember take the egg out to get it to room temperature)
• 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract but also mixed essence if a lovely treat as well
• 2 cups almond flour * could also ground almonds which is what almond flour is or grind sunflower seeds.
• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/4 teaspoon fine-grain sea salt
• 1/2 of Cacao Nibs or Krisda chips. * the cacao chips add a lo

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
Add the coconut oil and the sweetener of choice. If the coconut the oil is super hard, microwave for a few seconds until soft Stir briskly with a whisk until the sweetner and oil are mixed together, this requires a little bit of effort. Add the egg, the extract and combine until they mixed well.
In another bowl, put together your flour of choice, baking soda and salt!
Next add in the wet ingredients to the dry mix and stir with a spoon until combined.
Stir in 1/2 cacao chips or chocolate chips! Take the batter and if too dry add a bit of liquid and if too wet add a bit more flour of choice.
With a tablespoon scoop the cookies onto the parchment paper. Leave space in between all the cookies. Bake until they are golden brow, which takes about 10 minutes but check them!
Once golden remove from the oven and let cookie for 10 or 15 minutes before removing them from the rack or they might crumble. They keep well outside of the fridge for 3 days, after that refrigerate them! (If you have any left)
