Hemp Heart Hot Chocolate

For any upcoming snow days: After a fun few hours sledding and fort building this warm drink is the perfect choice and you don’t have to feel too bad about kids having it. OR You!! 🙂

3 cups of coconut milk
2 tbsp of raw cacao powder
2 tbsp maple syrup
4 tbsp of hemp hearts
2 tbsp of coconut oil
Splash of vanilla extract


In a pot warm coconut milk to desired temp (saving 1/3 cup to blend with hemp hearts)
When milk is warm add cacao powder, coconut oil, vanilla and maple syrup. Mix with whisk until well blended and frothy.
Take the hemp hearts and 1/3 cup of milk and mix in a blender to smooth out hemp hearts. Add to the warmed mixture.
Distribute into cups and top with coconut whip cream (optional)
A yummy, protein packed treat on this snowy winter day!!