Watermelon Bites!

When it’s a million degrees out, do you really want to turn a stove or oven on? I know I can turn into a cantankerous grouch when I am hungry and hot.

We have a solution!
Watermelon is in season in Ontario starting in July.


– 1 Giant Watermelon ( the way to measure this is if you fall over when you pick it up)
– 1 block of Feta cheese
– 1 package of mint leaves, wash and dry as needed


-Slice and cube the watermelon and cheese into bite-sized squares
-Wash mint leaves an dry them
-Take a tooth pick, stack watermelon, feta and then a mint leaf on top and stick the toothpick through!

If you are eating these right away you don’t even need the toothpick!
Enjoy this on a hot day or anytime. These are some great summer flavours that are refreshing and SWEET!

Watermelon in season in Ontario