Beating the Winter Blues
This -36 Degree weather is a bit much, right?!
Learn simple techniques to boost your mood in these chilly winter months through proper food choices and lifestyle habits!
This morning on CTV we discussed:
1) Good Mood Foods/Bad Mood Foods
– Whole foods will make you happy vs. processed foods are sad foods!
2) Importance of Gut Health for Mood
– Did you know that we produce more neurotransmitters in our gut than in our brain?
3) Key supplements to Beat the Blues and give you Energy
4) Benefits of getting out there and Exercising!
Watch it here!
We’ve all heard of emotional eating, eating as a result of how one feels.
But today we’re going to flip things around and talk about what food does to the mood!
Food affects the body’s metabolism, hormones and neurotransmitters (mood chemicals that are produced in the brain), and these in turn influence our emotions, concentration and energy.
Low levels of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids can affect mental health, with some symptoms associated with particular nutritional deficiencies. For example, links have been demonstrated between low levels of certain B-vitamins and symptoms of schizophrenia, low levels of the mineral zinc and eating disorders, and low levels of omega-3 oils and depression.
Key supplements:
- Vitamin D – the happy vitamin!
- Omega 3s – try Genuine Health’s Omega Joy for mood balance and increased cognitive function!
- B Vitamins – get more energy!
- MultiVitamin/Mineral – provides all the necessary cofactors for a happy mood!
- Probiotics – keep your gut and immune system strong!
- Quality Protein (amino acids) – to aid in neurotransmitter production!
TIP #1- as a general rule, opt for whole foods that are rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals – all the ingredients you need for making neurotransmitters. Focusing on such foods will help limit your intake of calorie-dense sugary and starchy processed foods that offer little or no nutritional value. If you exercise and need extra carbs for energy, eat more fruit and carb-dense vegetables.
TIP #2- eat a protein-rich breakfast, such as eggs with whole-grain toast or fresh fruit. Skipping breakfast or eating a bagel on the run wreaks havoc on your blood sugar and leaves you more sensitive to stress. The protein in eggs quickly stabilizes your blood sugar and provides amino acids for your neurotransmitters.
TIP #3 –eat regular meals and make sure each includes some high-quality protein. Doing so keeps your blood sugar stable and also gives you the building blocks you need for making neurotransmitters.
Here’s a recipe for a smoothie to try!
Glorious Green Smoothie
Serves 1
1 cup frozen organic berries
1 ½ cups water
2 cups fresh Spinach or Kale
1 tbsp Coconut oil
1 scoop vegan vanilla protein ( We love the Genuine Health Brand of Fermented Vegan Vanilla Protein)
½ banana (optional)
1. Simply combine ingredients in a high speed blender, and blend until smooth. Enjoy as a nutritious breakfast or quick snack on the go! Add a scoop of vegan protein or hemp hearts to make a complete satisfying meal!
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